The Sound Legal Advice You Need After A Motor Vehicle Accident

motor vehicle accidents

After you are in an auto accident, there is so much to think about, and you may feel overwhelmed, frustrated and confused. Your focus should be on your recovery and not be spent trying to decode the stack of paperwork from insurance companies or worrying about how you can support your family if you are unable to work for a period of time.

Car Accident Claims in Buffalo, NY

Cinelli & Adoff LLP has extensive experience handling all types of auto accident claims in Buffalo and Western New York, and we’re familiar with the issues you may be facing. We will help you through the process and will work on your claim from start to finish – from handling your no-fault application, litigating your bodily injury claim and resolving your claim for supplemental underinsured motorist (SUM) benefits. We will not stop until you get the full amount you deserve, even if it requires going to trial. Our Buffalo lawyers have obtained millions of dollars for our clients over the years. We know the strategies insurance companies use to attack your claim, and that gives us the ability to effectively combat the insurance company’s tactics and achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

Please contact us at 716-815-4722 or fill out the contact form. We are ready to help and happy to give a free consultation.